In the event that you have committed some spelling errors while entering your name on Facebook, at that point this guide will show you how to correct the mistake. Regardless of whether you need to enter your middle name or change the name on your Facebook account, this bit by bit guide will allow you to do that. This tutorial shows the cycle on the Facebook site just as a mobile app.
Facebook is one of the greatest social communication sites out there, with in excess of a billion clients from across the globe. It requires least personal information to make a record. However, on the off chance that you have committed a few errors in your name’s spelling, you can dispose of that with the assistance of this small tutorial. You don’t need to contact Facebook support as this person to person communication site allows clients to change the name with the given option.
Here is how to change name on facebook apps mobile-
- Go to your facebook app and tap on the triple straight line which is on the right corner of your screen
- Tap “setting and privacy” and tap “settings”
- Tap on “personal information” and then tap “name” from general
- Type your new first, middle or surname and tap “review change”
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