so how to install free WordPress theme and import demo data so I installed WordPress in my domain and now let’s see the website
as you can see this is very boring website now let’s make this website attractive using free WordPress theme so first of all jump into your WordPress dashboard and hover over on appearance and click on themes and click on add new in this search box type Astra and you will find the Astro theme here so all it happened is just install the Astro theme.
Now activate the theme
now click on install Starter templates
and it may take some time to activate the Astro theme
now select a page builder we are going to select Elementor because this is very easy to use so click on Elementor
and here you will find lots of WordPress free and premium themes so you can hover over on these Mano sections to find out the perfect WordPress theme for your website so I’m gonna hover over in on business and selecting restaurant so we are going to install a free theme ride so scroll down and search for a free theme so for example I want to install this Coffee House theme so I’m going to clicking on it
here you will see the theme preview and now from here you can upload your logo you can change the logo width from here but I’m going to skip this part and now you can change your website color I’m gonna selecting the last one and you can change your website font from here I’m going to selecting this one
and clicking on continue
now right here your first name your email address and you can skip this part from here it’s only happening just click on submit and build my website and it may take some time to create a brand new WordPress website for you
and as you can see the the theme has been successfully installed now I’m going to clicking on Vu website and here we can see by what Freeze website has been successfully created in just few steps and now let’s edit these theme for example I want to customize these home page so I’m clicking on edit with Elementor
and now select the bird you want to customize
and I’m going to changing my website heading here
and to change any image simply and click the image and here click on choose image now you can upload your image from your computer also you can use images from the media library you can use free images from here so I’m going to selecting this one
here you can see the image has been successfully changed and make sure to click on update to save changes so this is how we can install free WordPress theme if you find this video helpful don’t forget to subscribe how to one minute see you in the next video
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